There are now oncology patients in a lot of houses. Cancer is getting more and more common. As is known, chemotherapy is among the most efficient treatments. Numerous side effects of chemotherapy include a negative effect on dental health.
Certain chemotherapy medicines may cause mouth sore and infections. It also weakens the immunity system causing bacteria and viral infections.
During chemotherapy, the palate can also be affected. Remember that it is temporary. You will regain your sense of taste once the treatment is over. Any decayed tooth should be cleaned and any filling or prosthesis should be checked before chemotherapy. Only emergency interventions are allowed during cancer treatment.
Oral Care During Chemotherapy
Patients should focus on good oral care during the process. The teeth should be brushed with a soft brush after each meal and oral hygiene should be ensured with a mouth spray or gargling with water 3 or 4 times a day.
Electric toothbrush is not recommended due to possible bleeding.
The teeth should be regularly brushed after the treatment and the prostheses should be cleaned after each meal and before going to sleep.
Before chemotherapy, it would help you to visit your dentist and implement protective programs.